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The List: Youth Ministry Watch
The favorite youth-ministry websites of Mark Oestreicher, president of Youth Specialties, author of many books, and chronic blogger.
Only the Lonely
Our 6th-grade son seems to have no real friendships. Is this normal?
(Almost) the Last Lap
"Some days it feels like my 11-year-old doesn't need much parenting; other days I feel like I'm still dealing with a little boy. Can you help clarify my role during these years?"
The Center of the Universe
Breaking through your preteen's selfishness
"But Why?"
What to say to your preteens' constant challenges and questions
Living in Paradox Central
Your preteen is full of contradictions-mature one minute, a child the next. Here's how to cope
Crazy Days
They're moody, ornery, and completely unpredictable. Here's how to stay sane while you parent a preteen.
Drawing the Line
How to establish new boundaries for your young teen
Is Your Child Bored with God?
If your young teen is tired of church, here's how to spark her interest again.
The In-Between Years
No longer a child, not yet a teenager. Why this stage is as confusing for your child as it is for you.
Big Doubts
What do to when your child expresses second thoughts about his faith.
Is Your Teen on the Fringe?
Signs that your child is feeling left out and how you can help.